Trots op deze dappere dame, die goud binnenhaalde voor haar prestaties op het onderdeel snowboardcross. De kroon op haar moed en al haar inspanningen om haar beperking tot een zegen voor zichzelf en anderen te maken. Haar droom zoals ze die verwoord heeft in het boek dat ik naar aanleiding van vele interviews over haar schreef: Met mijn goede been uit bed.
Kijk ook op: Mentel: goud is kroon op werk via
With thanks again, Annet Greening van der Blom
Dear Elise, I have read both your books: De hel van Tijdeng and Ik beken. I am a Tijdeng survivor. I truly believe, that if Ferry Holtkamp was treated by his Mom like Boelo he would not have been able to have survived what he went through. I hope that some day soon those books will be translated in English, as it was Ferry’s promise to his friends that if he survived he would tell the WORLD what really happened.
The Diary of Anna Frank and the Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom are written in many different languages. What happened in Dutch East Indie has been kept for long under the rug, even in Holland, nobody wanted to know what happened with the Dutch people there. I have read many Holocaust survivor stories, but your two books are the only one I ever read about what happened in Dutch East Indie. Luckily I am still able to read Dutch, writing it is challenging. Please forgive me writing to you in English.
Regards Annet Greening van der Blom. (omagreening